Thursday, October 7, 2021

Addis ababa university thesis and dissertation

Addis ababa university thesis and dissertation

addis ababa university thesis and dissertation

Mar 01,  · Ambo University, established in EC, is one of the oldest higher learning institutions in Ethiopia. Accordingly, basic education was started to be offered in a few buildings built by French engineers. Subjects taught were Amharic, Mathematics, French, etc., and they were given by four Ethiopian and four French teachers GAGE College, a private college in Ethiopia, offers degrees comparable to associate’s, bachelor’s and master’s in several categories. The college has five campuses around Addis Ababa, similar to a regional campus model, and has been consistently growing in admissions and programs offered A Dissertation Submitted to Department of Foreign Languages and Literature in the Institute of Language Studies of Addis Ababa University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Teaching English as a Foreign

Addis Ababa University Libraries Electronic Thesis and Dissertations Database -

I believe that you are now ready to start shouldering responsibilities to serve your beloved country. Read More I am confident that your stay in our college enables you to discover yourself and to feel you can contribute something better for society. You have worked hard during your stay at our college. Now, you achieved your goals and will have a bright, promising career, addis ababa university thesis and dissertation.

We are very proud of your accomplishment, addis ababa university thesis and dissertation. Life is about growing, and being in our programs gives each addis ababa university thesis and dissertation us new opportunities to continue growing and to learn new knowledge and skills that will carry with us for the rest of our lives. Therefore, this graduation is not an end goal itself, instead of a starting point for further achievements.

The person who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated the day after. I hope you will not stop here, you will continue learning. For those who have the intention to continue your education and to upgrade your career to the next step, we are very glad to invite you to come back again to your college, addis ababa university thesis and dissertation.

Our doors are always open to you. Finally, I would like to say congratulations once again and wish you good addis ababa university thesis and dissertation with the future ahead.

Traditionally, we think of graduation as a time of celebration, a rite of passage that opens up the road of the future to our students, and it certainly is that. We recognize and celebrate the achievements of our students during their time with us, and we look forward to their future accomplishments.

Read More The journey our soon-to-be graduates will be embarking on is a difficult one. All of us who have gone through this process know that but this time is unique, and we have to acknowledge that the pressures on our grads, though familiar, are also very different from the ones we felt. Students leaving the GAGE College are entering a world and a workforce that is unlike the one many of us found ourselves addis ababa university thesis and dissertation when we began our working lives.

In many ways, true, it is better. We can connect with loved ones across the globe with just the click of a button. Soon, thanks in part to the efforts of researchers here at our very own GAGE Campuses, we may have the luxury of having our cars pick us up and ferry us to our destination without our having to lay a finger on the steering wheel. But the truth is, this is an unnerving moment. People are still worried about finding work even as the economy itself is picking up. The lines that separate us, particularly politically and culturally, seem to be drawn thicker.

There is a lot of fear in the world and anxiety about the future. Much of that anxiety has been felt on our campus. We have gone through a lot at GAGE College, particularly in the last year.

And yet here we are, about to uphold a time-honored tradition. We do so humbly and with an eye to local, national, and international events, but this is, despite everything, a time of celebration. Staff, thank you for your work keeping this College running smoothly, from making sure we have the research equipment we need to look after our infrastructure to making payroll. But I also want to ask something of you. As you prepare to leave GAGE University College, I ask you to do something with that knowledge: make a better world.

I assure you that this is a great achievement but, should not be the ultimate function of your goal. On behalf of Gage University College and on my own I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your academic achievement! Read More. We are proud of your accomplishments and it is with this high spirit of satisfaction that we join you, your family, and fellow friends in celebration of your success.

Now you are graduating from Gage College with a rich history, established in E. Gage is one of the famous colleges that successfully produced a knowledgeable workforce joining the Ethiopian economy over 15 years that bridged the gap of educated manpower to the changing social and economic system of the nation.

Today it is a thriving college of business, sociology, and technology with a legacy of excellence that will accompany you into a bright future. We are proud of our over graduates who have excelled in many facets of businesses, industry, and civic life. This day, it must be a very exciting moment for you. Chasing a dream requires your efforts and passion. It is even more exciting if you see this as a step toward great success in the years ahead.

You are laying the foundation for a better life for you and your family and, by extension, for others you encounter. As you graduate, promise yourself that you will keep alive the finest of our values and traditions, that you will commit to truth and service as your college and that you will serve the community with distinction.

We trust you will recognize that true greatness resides in sincere service to others. You truly deserve success! Shimeles Asfaw Gizaw. GC Research Publication and Community Service Office Head. Congratulations to all Graduates of our Postgraduate, Undergraduate, and TVET Programs of GAGE College. It is with the deepest joy that I am intending to convey this congratulatory message on behalf of the GC Research Publication and Community Service Office and on my behalf.

Dear graduates, a manmade graduated cylinder serves to measure certain volumes of liquid within the range Read More it had been calibrated. Contrary to this you are now graduated to voraciously read, eagerly engage yourselves in inquiry and research, and enrich your knowledge, skill, etc so as to be well versed in many addis ababa university thesis and dissertation and develop an all-rounded personality.

This enables you to reach an actualization period which possibly makes your beloved motherland beneficiary. In order to realize fast, consistent and sustainable development based on a universal approach with comprehensive centered adaptive technology, it is essential to institute a rational demand-driven participatory program.

Read More To give a little insight into the process, whenever we have high challenges, threats, and problems we should not follow business as a usual approach which is doomed to failure and will end up with negative results and consequences. On the other hand, we should not also promote radical, silver bullet measures to mitigate the challenges and threats, rather we use innovative, all-inclusive, and adaptive approaches to resolve the challenges and threats in order to have sustainable positive growth.

One of the most critical solutions to achieve this smart option is well thought, analyzed, holistic, concrete, reformist, problem solving, and non-discriminative depending on the economy, age, sex, or any other educational system. One that addresses social, addis ababa university thesis and dissertation, cultural, political, and economic capital building.

Hence, GAGE College in partnership with national and international organizations and institutions has made addis ababa university thesis and dissertation effort to establish 21st-century technology-oriented higher education institutions with an endeavor to address the recommended innovative, holistic, and adaptive technology system to change challenges, intimidation, and problems of our country to opportunities and justifiable development. I am privileged to congratulate you all and extend my best wishes on behalf of Gage College and my own behalf upon the successful completion of your studies.

Not only you, addis ababa university thesis and dissertation, the graduate, our College also, is historically lucky of getting this opportunity to equip you addis ababa university thesis and dissertation worthy knowledge, addis ababa university thesis and dissertation, attitude and skill which, addis ababa university thesis and dissertation.

I am glad to invite you all to come back to your wisdom home, Gage College, as of the next day of your graduation to continue upgrading your academic career to the next step, addis ababa university thesis and dissertation. Education is a principal tool of national development in societies where access is guaranteed, the value of this tool is dependent on the provision of quality education. Gage College envisioned reaching at this goal with an ever-growing quality and quantity of graduates in all the programs launched.

Obviously, our beloved motherland is in need of such educated citizens of various professions for sustainable economic development which paves the way to prosperity. Gage College, with its mounting number of campuses and field of studies, is contributing significantly towards realizing addis ababa university thesis and dissertation vision and development goal of the country.

The prospective graduates of all programs undergoing are the fruits of our college that have a potential of creating jobs by themselves or befitting to the market scenario in which needy and capable organizations can hire.

In connection to this, the college in order to scale up the quality of its outcomes has been exerting breath taking efforts and investing considerable resources to adequately address professional development and capacity building issues required to play a pivotal role in the economy. Dear prospective graduates of E. What is expected from you is to tap this created potential and implement it appropriately whenever necessary.

Moreover it is imperative to get yourself befitting through a continuous endeavor to update and upgrade what you have acquired. Today is a special day. Your time has come. Congratulations and commendations to each and every one of you on this remarkable achievement of graduation from Gage College. For our graduates it is a celebration of the culmination of three, four or five years of study.

We hope it will be an occasion that you will remember fondly for the rest of your lives. You have worked hard during your three, addis ababa university thesis and dissertation, four or five years and we are very proud of your accomplishments.

We are also united today by a shared sense of pride in achievement. Gage College is proud of its graduates and we hope you are equally proud to be joining a community.

I would like to give special thanks to the parents, spouses, children and friends of our graduates for their patience, understanding, addis ababa university thesis and dissertation, sacrifices and support both moral and financial, during these challenging, but rewarding, years at Gage College. It is also an important day for the parents, partners, family and friends of the graduates. We will always take great pride in your achievements.

I hope you enjoy today and I wish you every success for the future. Addis ababa university thesis and dissertation Provost and Office of Global Engagement Director, Janis Boettinger leftwith CEO of GAGE College, Moges Girma Kassa centerCEO of GAGE College, and Vice President of Academic Instruction Services, Robert Wagner right.

Girma visited several USU campuses over two days, including the Logan campus, USU Eastern-Price, USU-Salt Lake and USU-Brigham City. Moges Girma and colleagues visit USU Brigham City Campus with Lauri Merrill, Recruiter for Brigham City left addis ababa university thesis and dissertation Jill Rasmussen, USU Brigham City Director of Student Services right.

Girma and two colleagues met with and presented proposals to USU leaders Janis Boettinger, vice provost and director of Global Engagement; Robert Wagner, vice president of Academic and Instructional Services AIS ; John Louviere, assistant vice president and executive director of AIS; Shelly Ortiz, international program coordinator in Global Engagement; Monika Galvydis, director of study abroad in Global Engagement; and Shannon Peterson, director of global programming in the Institute of Government and Politics.

Louviere and Wagner provided a tour of the state-of-the-art distance education building, followed by a tour of the Merrill-Cazier Library from Jeanne Davidson, department head and associate dean of Instruction, Collections, and Patrons. The college has five campuses around Addis Ababa, similar to a regional campus model, and has been consistently growing in admissions and programs offered.

Girma is building partnerships and agreements with U. schools to grow GAGE College. We look forward to working with Mr. Boettinger and Galvydis will work with GAGE College on a memorandum of cooperation that can lead to student exchange, international internships, and faculty-led study abroad programs.

USU will continue to explore possible cooperation in distance education and open-source educational resources. Contact: Celestyn Hollingshead, office of Global Engagement,Celestyn. hollingshead usu. Remember Me. net Notice: Welcome to our university. Quick Links GAGE SiS GAGE ERP GAGE E-Learning Portal GAGE LMS E-Library Document Repository Sys GAGE E-Mail Appointment System GAGE SiS Finance New GAGE College Evaluation Form for PG Program GUC Thesis MS GAGE RMS.

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addis ababa university thesis and dissertation

The Addis Ababa University Libraries through its main branch libraries provide vital core services by facilitating and improving the teaching and learning process of Addis Ababa University. As the “heart of the university”, the Addis Ababa University Libraries dutifully support all students to tap the strength the knowledge they already GAGE College, a private college in Ethiopia, offers degrees comparable to associate’s, bachelor’s and master’s in several categories. The college has five campuses around Addis Ababa, similar to a regional campus model, and has been consistently growing in admissions and programs offered Mar 01,  · Ambo University, established in EC, is one of the oldest higher learning institutions in Ethiopia. Accordingly, basic education was started to be offered in a few buildings built by French engineers. Subjects taught were Amharic, Mathematics, French, etc., and they were given by four Ethiopian and four French teachers

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