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A List Of Best MBA Thesis Topics In Quality Management
List of abbreviations …………………………………………………………………………… …………i. List of tables and charts ………………………………………………………………………. SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 1……………………………………………………………………… ………… CHAPTER 2: ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS STRATEGY FOR VPBANK HA TINH BRANCH …………………………………………………… ………………………………………. master thesis service quality first. sixty one. SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 2……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………. sixty seven. Some recommendations………………………………………. seventy three. SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 3……………………………………………………………………… ………………………………… CONCLUDE………………………………………… …………………………… … In the current context, besides many opportunities, a series of difficulties from the business environment, fierce competition not only within the industry has master thesis service quality banks to make decisions to make changes.
comprehensive at the strategic level. Modern and specialized banking and financial products and services are lacking and weak.
These are opportunities for financial institutions with the potential to seize and exploit and are conditions for banks to survive and compete in the increasingly fiercely competitive market. Each bank must develop a business strategy suitable to its specific characteristics in each historical period so that it can quickly dominate the market, improve its competitiveness, expand and promote its products.
Surviving, developing and master thesis service quality the competition is becoming an urgent need for every bank. In that general context, Joint Stock Commercial Bank of Vietnam Prosperity Ha Tinh Branch VPBank Ha Tinh Branch under the Joint Stock Commercial Bank of Vietnam Prosperity Vietnam VPBank is also gradually making efforts to in order to affirm its position, and at the same time improve its competitiveness in the very vibrant financial and banking market of Ha Tinh province.
VPBank Ha Tinh Branch rose to a new position in the VPBank system in particular and the Master thesis service quality banking system in general, contributing to bringing VPBank into the top 5 leading joint stock commercial banks in Vietnam and one of the three leading retail commercial banks in Vietnam. Vietnam by During nearly two years of training at the Economic Management class 5 — University of Economics — Hanoi National University, under the dedicated guidance of teachers and learning from other students, I have gained a lot of experience, master thesis service quality.
Loaded with a lot of in-depth economic knowledge, useful for working in the banking sector. Business strategy analysis for VPBank Ha Tinh branch? In the process of researching and improving my knowledge at the Economic Management class 5 — University of Economics — Hanoi National University, I have been studying, cultivating and learning from teachers and friends to serve my students.
service for their own work. Although the time for researching the topic is still short, the learning process has not gained much in-depth knowledge, I myself also work in the HR department of VPBank Ha Tinh branch, so understanding banking knowledge also has many limitations compared to other peers. Duong Huu HanhCorporate Governance, Statistical Publishing House, Ho Chi Minh City.
Le Van TamTextbook of Strategic Management, Statistical Publishing House, master thesis service quality, Hanoi. Thompson; W. Chan Kim, Renee Mauborgne Translated by Phuong ThuyBlue Ocean Strategy, Knowledge Publishing House, Hanoi, Michael Hammer, James Champy Translated by Vu Tien PhucRe-establishing the company, master thesis service quality, Ho Chi Minh City Publishing House.
Ho Chi Minh, etc…. Although the research period is still short, I myself work in the Administration — Human Resources department, so my knowledge and experience on the subject of research still have many limitations, but I found that most of the The above documents have mentioned quite clearly and in detail the theoretical basis points of business strategy.
However, in order to clearly define business strategic goals and specific solutions at VPBank Ha Tinh branch, there is no document to mention this issue. The purpose master thesis service quality the thesis is to answer the questions What is business strategy?
thereby proposing some solutions to implement business strategies, in order to contribute to making Vietnam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank — Ha Tinh Branch become one of the strong banking branches of VPBank system and in the province. Ha Tinh. The object of the study is the business strategy of VPBank Ha Tinh Branch. The scope of the study is limited to strategic issues and strategic management in the banking industry.
The analysis data is mainly from the reports of VPBank Ha Tinh Branch, of the State Bank of Ha Tinh, master thesis service quality. Therefore, the topic is only applicable at this bank branch. In addition, the thesis also uses a number of books, Internet and reports of VPBank, VPBank Ha Tinh Branch, State Bank of Ha Tinh Province, etc.
business ever since. In particular, the topic shows detailed strategic solutions for the development of the Bank, master thesis service quality. In addition to the introduction, conclusion, appendices and list of references, the essay consists of 3 chapters:.
Chapter 3: Solutions and recommendations to implement the business strategy of VPBank Ha Tinh Branch. The term strategy was coined in the military field to refer to the skills and art of using military forces of commanders, planning decisions, large-scale operations, and pivotal impact. to turn the situation around, in favor of one warring party to win the final victory. Later, the term strategy was used in many fields including economics, initially to refer to the way of business cooperation, the way to fight in the marketplace, but it can be understood that strategy is a plan of action, a plan of action.
An action plan is designed to achieve a specific goal, which is a combination of long-term goals and measures, ways, and ways to achieve those goals. What differentiates you from your competitors is the basis for your advantage. It is the careful selection of a distinct set of activities to create a unique set of values. In general, the concept of strategy includes the following contents: Determining exactly the goal to be achieved, determining the path or method to achieve the goal, and orienting the allocation of resources to achieve the selected goal.
When implementing a strategy, it is necessary to combine strategy and tactics, master thesis service quality, strategic goals and situational goals. It helps the organization to be more proactive instead of passively defining its future. That can create support and promote the available capacity of employees in the organization, clarify the responsibilities of each individual, master thesis service quality.
Up to the present time, there are many concepts of Commercial Bank. As in the US, master thesis service quality, a Commercial Bank is a currency trading company that specializes in the provision of financial services and operates in the financial services industry, master thesis service quality.
This law is for profit. From the above observations, it can be seen that a commercial bank is one of the financial institutions that is characterized by providing a variety of financial services with the basic operations of taking deposits, lending and providing other financial services, master thesis service quality.
payment service. In addition, commercial banks also provide many other services to satisfy the maximum demand for products and services of the society. A bank is a credit intermediary whose main activity is to convert savings into investment, requiring contact with two types of individuals and organizations in the economy: Individuals and organizations that are temporarily in deficit.
spending i. spending on consumption and investment exceeds income and therefore they are the ones in need of additional capital. Individuals and organizations have a temporary surplus in spending i. their current income is greater than the expenditure on goods and services and thus they have money to save. The existence of these two types of individuals and organizations is completely independent of the Bank, and it is inevitable that money will move from the second group to the first group if both are mutually beneficial.
Then, a financial relationship will be formed, master thesis service quality, which can be a direct relationship in the form of credit or an allocation master thesis service quality capital partnership relationship and also an indirect relationship if there are many direct relationships.
limited due to master thesis service quality in scale, time, space…. With indirect relationships that require the participation of financial intermediaries, master thesis service quality, with specialization they can reduce transaction costs, increase income for savers thereby encouraging savings, while reducing credit costs for investors and also encouraging investment.
Credit intermediaries brought together savers and investors, thus resolving the contradiction of direct financial relations. economic benefits for itself and the economy, master thesis service quality. For banks, they will find their own profit from the difference between lending rates and deposit rates or brokerage commissions. This is the most important function of the Commercial Bank, it determines the maintenance and development of the Bank and is the basis for performing other functions.
Payment intermediary function means that the bank stands to pay for customers by transferring money from one account to another at their request. The more developed the market economy, the more this function of the bank is expanded.
Through the payment intermediary function, the commercial banking system contributes to the development of the economy, master thesis service quality. This function is also the basis for forming the money creation function of commercial banks. Money — Gold has an important function as a means of payment in the exchange of goods and services.
On the face of it, gold faced many difficulties and the Bank created a means of payment when issuing promissory notes to customers, and with certain advantages, it became a widely accepted means of payment. In addition, the promissory note is also replaced by metal money as a means of circulation and storage, it becomes master thesis service quality money. Today, debt receipts have been developed in many different forms such as checks, promissory notes, etc.
This is a consequence of the above two functions in banking: From some initial reserve through master thesis service quality process of lending and paying by bank transfer, new deposits are created and it is larger than with many times the initial reserve, called the money creation process of the banking system.
Master thesis service quality this money, after leaving a required reserve, the bank will invest it, lend it, from which it will transfer to the deposit capital of other banks.
With the rotation of capital through the credit and payment function of the bank. Commercial banks can perform the function of creating money. There are large differences in the banking service portfolio across countries, regions and between banks. This difference comes from a number of reasons:. Distinctions aside, one can see a long list of services most commercial banks can provide:. With a diversified financial services system that will continue to expand, banks have shattered the image of an institution that merely accepts deposits and makes loans.
In fact, commercial banks have contributed to society many benefits: intermediary role; payment role; guarantor role; master thesis service quality role; especially implementing economic and financial policies of the government and central banks.
When discussing the role and function of a commercial bank, we have considered the issue from the perspective of the bank itself, now there needs to be a change to suit the banking business that is customer-oriented.
We will have to study banking services from the perspective that commercial banks have to compete to provide banking services to customers in the most effective way, bringing master thesis service quality and sustainable profits. That is why it is important to clarify some basic characteristics of banking services that affect strategic decisions of banks.
Those unique characteristics are:. There are two problems that arise from invisibility: One, one cannot perceive with the senses. Second, banking services cannot be displayed, demonstrated and cannot be tried.
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