NVivo software (version 9) was chosen because it met these requirements. Analysis started with the creation of a new project in NVivo, which I named “Care Seeking Project,” and two source folders within the said project - for transcripts and audio blogger.com by: 2. Identify the literature you want to review. 3. Create a document in ‘Sources – Internal’. 4. Name your document: Author Year. 5. Copy the full reference into NVivo. 6. Copy the abstract into NVivo. 7. Identify words, sentences or paragraphs that are useful. 8. Copy and paste these useful words, sentences or paragraphs into NVivo. 9. Add the page number Aug 30, · 2. Identify the literature you want to review. 3. Create a document in ‘Sources – Internal’. 4. Name your document: Author Year. 5. Copy the full reference into NVivo. 6. Copy the abstract into NVivo. 7. Identify words, sentences or paragraphs that are useful. 8. Copy and paste these useful words, sentences or paragraphs into NVivo. 9. Add the page blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins
How to use NVivo for your Literature Review
This article has been written to explain how to use NVivo for your literature review process when doing your PhD. The examples I give are based on the NVivo for Mac platform which is a slightly different version to the Windows option, the principles and processes however remain the same.
Also, as a future researcher you will need to revisit many of the articles you have read to produce your own journal submissions. NVivo will make the process more effective and efficient.
It uses the principles of thematic analysis so you will also gain an excellent overview of that aspect of qualitative analysis. The two videos below are short presentations of the process and the remainder of the blog will give you a step-by-step guide.
The first thing you must do is identify the appropriate literature to read. These could be journal articles, books, reports, websites or a range of other documents. An important aspect of the process is managing your references. I use a reference management platform called Refworks, using nvivo 9 for literature review, I will be explaining its use in my next article.
Before all else you will need to copy the citation of the article you are reviewing so that it can be pasted into NVivo, this will help you remember where the document came from. If this is your first review then you will need to create a new NVivo file, I recommend you name it the subject area you are focusing on. Paste the full reference at the top of the document, then copy and paste the abstract.
Review your chosen piece of literature, then when you find something of interest, copy and paste it into the NVivo document as a new paragraph and note the page number. Pasting an exact copy gives you the option of either paraphrasing it at a later stage or using the direct quote in your work this using nvivo 9 for literature review why you need the page number.
Continue the process until you have completed reviewing the chosen piece of literature. This will present the nodes on the right hand side of the document. Note, each word, sentence or paragraph can have more than one theme code see figure 4a and 4b. Once you have reviewed all the articles, books, websites etc, you can start thinking about how to structure your literature review. When you click on the selected name of the node it will open showing you the aggregated data that you have saved figure 6.
This will illustrate all the authors you have reviewed that have given an opinion about the element of literature you have considered. You must then decide if it is worthy of a place in your literature review. If you click on the hyperlink it will open the original document, you can now retrieve the whole reference if required.
You must create a list of all your chosen literature I do this in Refworks, and as stated earlier I will using nvivo 9 for literature review covering this in my next article.
This is why I advocate copying only those sections which are important. Copy and paste these useful words, sentences or paragraphs into NVivo. Sort and review nodes to develop the literature review structure. Here is a pdf copy of this blog for you to download: NVivo and your Literature Review. Powered by Photocrati. Strategic Planet Educating the marketers of the future. Home About Us Strategic Planet Dr Alan Shaw Clients What We Do Marketing Consultancy Market Research Business Planning Brand Management Mentoring Programmes Digital Marketing Web Design Social Media Marketing Corporate Filming Training Programmes aShawThing Our Blog Contact Us.
Reference Management Software ». How to use NVivo for your Literature Review By Alan Shaw Published August 30, The following two tabs change content below. Bio Latest Posts. Dr Alan Shaw is a Senior Lecturer and Marketing consultant focusing on a range of sectors, using nvivo 9 for literature review.
His main interests are in strategy development, social marketing, using nvivo 9 for literature review marketing, advertising, consumer behaviour and marketing application, using nvivo 9 for literature review. Latest posts by Alan Shaw see all.
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Literature Review Using NVivo An Introduction
, time: 2:06:16The Implication of Using NVivo Software in Qualitative Data Analysis: Evidence-Based Reflections

Literature review source files. You can import source files such as journal articles one at a time. However this is not the most judicious use of the functions of NVivo and EndNote. However it is useful to know how to create a journal as a place to write ideas for your literature review and to journal the search path you take 2. Identify the literature you want to review. 3. Create a document in ‘Sources – Internal’. 4. Name your document: Author Year. 5. Copy the full reference into NVivo. 6. Copy the abstract into NVivo. 7. Identify words, sentences or paragraphs that are useful. 8. Copy and paste these useful words, sentences or paragraphs into NVivo. 9. Add the page number NVivo software (version 9) was chosen because it met these requirements. Analysis started with the creation of a new project in NVivo, which I named “Care Seeking Project,” and two source folders within the said project - for transcripts and audio blogger.com by:
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